Villagers With Pitchforks

The flaming torches were delayed in transit, sorry.

Location: Glendale, Arizona, U.S. Outlying Islands

Friday, July 02, 2004

Thursday, December 13, 2001

Sometime in prehistory, or at least during my tenure at my former employer, I posted this story on Alien Wine Connoisseur, which I still own but haven't updated in ages out of sheer sloth - I need to rewrite the front-end or link it to Blogger or something.

Anyway, if you follow the link in that article, you come to a very funny Accordion Guy piece.

I'll wait here while you read it.

So things are still a little slow here at (Large Company Willing to Employ Me) and I hadn't read that message in a while, and I was reading The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century anyway, so I searched for the time-traveller article again. Writing that good should be savored.

This is old news to some, but Wired found the spammer last fall. He sent me some spam earlier this year - it's long since deleted by now - and I thought he was just a copy-cat.

I'm spending the weekend at this year's Western Regional Science Fiction Convention, and it just seemed appropriate somehow. See y'all Tuesday.


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